
In late 2015, MSU began consideration of a policy change to ban the use of tobacco products from all MSU properties (i.e., building, campus grounds and facilities, motor vehicles, extension sites, farms, etc.). To measure the support or opposition to such a policy change and to measure its impact once implemented, three questions were added to the 2016 NCHA questionnaire.

In 2018 and 2020, these questions were asked again — with minor modifications to reflect the actual implementation of the policy change — to examine what changes may have occurred regarding exposure to second-hand smoke and tobacco residues and opinions regarding the policy change.

According to the latest NCHA tobacco-free data:

9 / 10

respondents are aware of MSU's TFMSU policy

9 / 10

respondents are in favor of MSU's TFMSU policy

6 / 10

respondents reported exposure to second-hand smoke in the month before the NCHA survey

5 / 10

respondents noticed smoking-related litter or other tobacco-related residues in the month before the NCHA survey